tyrone ashley’s funky music machine

Tyrone Ashley's Funky Music Machine

Truth & Soul Records digged the master tapes of Tyrone Ashley’s
Funky Music Machine
“Let Me Be Your Man” is a look at the raw
soul and genius of a man who never stopped making music from the
heart.  Tyrone Ashley aka Sammy Campbell.

[haiku url=”http://blog.bklyn.de/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/tyrone-ashleys-funky-music-machine-does-frankie-ever-call-my-name.mp3″ title=”Tyrone Ashley’s Funky Music Machine – Does Frankie Ever Call My Name”]

Tyrone Ashley’s Funky Music Machine – Does Frankie Ever Call My Name

Info & Purchase >> MySpace // Truth&Soul

Tyrone Ashley's Funky Music Machine

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