portico. | living fields


The Portico band consisting of Duncan Bellamy, Milo Fitzpatrick and Jack Wyllie, are about to release their LP on Ninja Tune. “Living Fields” features guest performances by close friends of the trio, Jono McCleery, Joe Newman (Alt-J) and Jamie Woon. “Living Fields”, released 6 April 2015 on Ninja Tune.

“Portico make music which moves forward towards distant places while offering rare intimacy as well, arriving somewhere between structured pop songs and a disintegrating ambience, a unique blend of the sublunary and the celestial. Reverb drenched piano meshes with swathes of studio noise while vocals float high above a world of textural atmosphere. Drum machines crisply puncture the air around shimmering arpeggios of synth and electric bass. You can be untethered, detached in space only for a moment of detail to rush into focus. Melancholia and euphoria sunk into each other.” via Ninja Tune

Available on iTunes, Amazon or at Ninja Tune.

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