Music by Madlib. Recorded in LA over the course of some years. Edited, Arranged and Mastered by Kieran Hebden aka Four Tet at his home and when he was on a plane going places. Lacquered by Bernie Grundman in L.A. Art direction by Errol Richardson. Photography by Richard Foster. Eothen Alapatt got this record ready for release. All songs written by O. Jackson (Madlib Invazion, BMI) and others. P/C Madlib Invazion, 2021.
“I was listening to some of his new beats and studio sessions when I had the idea that it would be great to hear some of these ideas made into a Madlib solo album … arranged into tracks that could all flow together in an album designed to be listened to start to finish … we decided to work on this together with him sending me tracks, loops, ideas and experiments that I would arrange, edit, manipulate and combine. I was sent hundreds of pieces of music over a couple of years.” – Kieren Hebden